机场绿色照明 – 香港国际机场 (HKIA)
Target to be one of the world’s greenest airports and a top-three environmental performer in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) has adopted a diverse range of green initiatives in its daily operation and development processes.
While the aviation industry only accounts for 2% of the carbon emissions resulted from human activities worldwide, the HKIA community jointly made a pledge of reducing carbon emissions by 25% per workload unit years ago. The energy saving program has been drawn and the project of replacing traditional lightings with 81,000 LED lighting units in the passenger terminals.
The program has undergone in August 2011, HKIA has retrofitted 24,500 lighting fixtures with LEDs to save 3.9 million kWh and 2,200 tones of carbon emissions per year. Facilities/locations has completely retrofitted with LEDs include directional signs in Terminal, general line in Baggage Reclaim Hall and T1 Automated People Mover (APM) platforms.
The Hong Kong International Airport has retrofit high power metal halide floodlights with LEDs with power consumption greater than 100W. This project achieved at least 40% energy saving while maintaining good performance of the lighting system in terms of illuminance level and uniformity and provide a comfortable environment for the passengers. The deployment of high power LED is a significant milestone in the development of LED as the present domestic market only focuses on small power LED.